Saturday, March 25, 2017

Rock Up team building day

As part of the EOTC programme for 2017, each teaching team participated in a team building day called "Rock Up" in the school grounds where the students rotated around a number of activities during the day. The highlight was the Rock Wall where students had a number of opportunities to scale the different approaches to get to the top. The four classes within Team Kahikatea were mixed up to become ten groups for the day, and an added task was for the group to care for a balloon for the day. Most groups named and cared for their balloon really well, but a few experienced the odd "accident", and had to give an eulogy at the end of the day. Great hilarity and fun was had by all over the day, and a few more friends made as well.
Emma scales the Rock Wall

One of the balloon mascots

A group hug around the cube they have successfully assembled.

Harrison passes the ball on to Campbell in the Goal Shooting relay.
Fun trying to knock each other off the pole.

Heather scales the wall.

Gia gets airborne.

Cole works his way up the wall.

Jaedyn gives his eulogy for the balloon his group parted with.

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